The one for the New Year

It is a new year and hope abounds. One of my goals this year is to read more and spark more opportunities to write. I’ve got the tools and just need to start. In the past, I’ve been distracted or forced to work on something else. Starting and stopping seems to sap the motivation and instill a bit of fear, that something else will come up. I get wrapped up more in work and have less time for writing or creating.

It is not bad to be wrapped up in work, but it makes it hard to focus on other things. I like to create content and look forward to new ways to do so. Learning where to add content, how to influence change, and when to kick advocating for others up a few notches are efforts I want to focus on. I just need to include “me” in the off times.

This year also brings the idea of change. I get to expand my influence which means new opportunities to learn. I think that with my resolution of reading more, I need to include dedicated time to learn. From podcasts about content design, to workshops (maybe???), I want to make this year about professional development as well.

The one with the decision

I am trying to decide the best course of action. I want to make video content but I am concerned about my moms health. I’m worried that it may be the time to start thinking of costs and can’t seem to convince myself that a computer to edit videos on is a good investment right now. I have and iPad and soon Davinci Resolve will be available.

It might be enough to work with but I don’t know that for sure. Waiting is the hard part. It’s supposed to be free and I’m hoping the features will be complete enough to make some good edits. I just don’t know what the long term holds. But the idea of spending thousands on a computer capable of running the software is daunting.

The other thing is I know I have a good novel in me. And I can write it from the iPad. It’s more than enough and I’ve already started. The decision becomes complicated because I know I want to do both editing and writing. I have fun writing the scripts for the videos I build for work and editing them. It’s not a given that I’ll be able to keep doing it for work. There are other tasks I’m good at and that may need more focus in the world of work.

But I don’t know what could change in the near term and it’s just as confusing when considering the long term. I’m hoping for some insight soon.

The One With the Reminders

This week I spent a lot of time thinking about the future and what will happen in 20 years. It made me think back to when I first started working at full-time jobs and how I should have double-checked my 401k contributions. It is not something they teach you in school. Instead, you learn this by being around adults and figuring out that one day, you will be retired and will need to live. You will have unexpected events in your life and you will need some way to solve them.

This is your reminder!

You need to make sure you save a little from each paycheck AND contribute to your future. Pay yourself first and then make sure you are paying yourself later on. It is easy to live in the moment. You can decide on a whim to go to that movie, have that coffee, or take a trip to that concert. Now let’s be honest, it’s not easy to save. You may not make that much money. You may have bills to pay and things that you need. But if you can……if you can….. save something.

This is your reminder!

Save those pennies, put off that new phone, and stop going out for that coffee so often. Yes, you should treat yourself. But remember that one day, you may want a bigger treat. Live for the day and those days that are yet to come. You will thank yourself later.

I mentioned that you will need some way to solve the unexpected. You may not be able to solve them with money. There are events that no amount of money can help with. But having money for the future can make those events less stressful. You can reduce the worry about those things that money can help with, and then gives you more time to focus on other solutions. They say “Money cannot buy happiness”. Okay, I’ll accept that. I’ll accept that there are other concerns when you have money. I’ll even accept that money may cause problems. But one day when you are older and you realize that you missed out on saving for the future, it will make you think.

This is your reminder.

The one with the steps to get back to writing

It’s been a while since I have consistently been able to write. Between learning more about video editing, waiting to figure out what is going on professionally, and taking care of my mom, time really does fly. I am hoping to carve out a time each day to get back into my books.

In addition, I want to just spend a little time writing more in general. I do get to create my own video scripts and it is a fun process. But the majority of the videos I work on right now are under 5 minutes. A training video that is much longer will likely see a significant drop off in attention.

I also get to write training content and respond to feedback. It takes a more professional and technical voice that is tempered with humanity but follows a format that also means it is short. It is also fun to do, and rolls over nicely into the videos I create.

I want to stretch back into the fiction world and double down on creating overall. I’d like to edit some marketing videos and go further while also getting back to novels I have started. So albeit a little late my resolution is to simply create more this year.


It’s been a few months since my last update. Things have been busy, but in a good way. I’ve been able to create more videos and learn more techniques. I’ve also streamlined my processes and started downsizing again. I let myself get wrapped up in stuff and needed to remove a few things.

It’s been a good process. I have/had a habit of keeping boxes for things and now that I am getting rid of them it’s a little cathartic. I’ve also found that it leads to a simplification of what is and is not needed.

I’m looking forward to Christmas. Not because of stuff but rather because it means a change of process is coming. Learning, growing and reorganizing and moving into the next year at full speed. I hope to update more frequently and post a few new things as well.

The One With the Remote Work

It is a way of life these days for people to be remote. With so many people that are vulnerable to Covid it just makes sense to reduce the chance, it can pass easily when possible. However, some people want and need to be around others. They need to be able to do their jobs and that means taking a chance.

I don’t mind being remote and would like to stay remote. I understand that not everyone can do their jobs remotely and even understand that some businesses want their people in-house. But to me, the benefits of being remote are just too numerous. For one I can take care of my mom while working from home. For another, I can drop everything to record some audio without having to look for a quiet place.

I work a lot in video these days and being able to replace my voice-over track on the fly saves me time. I am learning more about video and audio so that I reduce the need to re-record something, but being able to just pull the microphone over, hit record, and get it done is awesome. Also, being remote gives me a chance to be able to multitask. I can easily write a little HTML, prepare a script for a video, and help out coworkers from the same place at the same time.

I know that dealing with huge video files remotely will be rough on data plans, but I would really like to be able to do it. I can imagine living in an RV, working full time, and perhaps one day It will be true. Even if RV-life is not in the cards, perhaps a nomadic lifestyle would be. The idea of waking up and working by the beach or near a mountain or anywhere is very appealing.

I Had Eye Surgery on My Left Eye

I had cataracts in both eyes, and with Thursday’s surgery, they are gone. My left eye is still a little blurry and has an elevated pressure, but the doctor said that would go down soon. In the meantime, due to the lenses they added, I will now be wearing reading glasses. The procedures were not covered by insurance and I had to make a choice.

I am adjusting to the reading glasses, but it is strange for sure. I didn’t need them to look at my phone or watch before and now I find that I have to go and find them when I want to look. I also need them to work on the computer which means I have to adjust my computer setup soon. I am going to take it easy in the meantime.

I am hoping to adjust so that work will be ok and I can get back into writing. My eye is a little tired right now, so I know that I am not going to do much today. Looking back and forth between screens became too much so I ended up unplugging it and only using the laptop screen. I used to do that for many years, so I would be ok if I had to go back to it full time.